How to Erase & Re-Format your Hard-Drive?

Step 1: Click the Erase tab after selecting your drive from the left column

    A dialogue box will appear, Asking you Name and Format.

Step 2: Out of the 4 Format Options > Select exFat from the Drop Down (Since it is the most suitable one for Mac & Pc compatibility)


Step 3: Let it Erase and Reformat

Step 4: Enjoy / Problem solved , Now you can use your USB on both mac & PC and finally Fix the USB or Drive Compatibility for Mac & PC.

From the editor’s desk:

Well, it depends on your work and your comfort to choose which format suits you. Hope this article was helpful, let us know in the comments. So to fix the USB or Drive Compatibility for Mac & PC all you have to do is format the Drive to EXFAT.

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